How to Create AdSense Ad

How to Create AdSense used to be much more confusing than it is now.  So that is a good thing.  But it can still be a bit confusing getting one’s head around AdSense for Content, AdSense for Search, Custom channels, URL channels, and so on. In this guide on how to create AdSense, I will […]


My mini bloglovin post today is short and sweet.  As part of verifying this here is truly my blog, (and ahem, to tell you to love blogloving and follow me with Bloglovin) – I have to show you this link: Follow my blog with Bloglovin as part of the verification process. “What is Bloglovin you say?” I […]

External links in new window or not?

I had no idea that there were such strong feelings over this seemingly innocuous topic of whether to open external links in new window (or tab). This controversy was brought to my attention by Abbey Wilkins of Pretty Good Design.  (Thanks Abbey!) Since then I have read a number of articles on this topic (some […]

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